4.2. Customer Credits
4.2.1. Create Customer Credits
4.2. Customer Credits
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4.2.1. Create Customer Credits

Customer Credits can be accessed from the Customers menu in the main navigation bar.

Image CustomerCreditsMenu.JPG

Select your Customer credit option to Create or Search from the main menu or from the icons in the Customer Credits window.

Image CustomerCreditsList.JPG

The Customer Credits list displays all credits that you have created for your customers. The list can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings that are underlined. The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order for any of the underlined column headings. The list also displays the remaining balance. If the balance is 0.00 then the credit has been used in full.

Customer credits created here do not include sales tax and are not linked to a specific proposal or invoice. Credits created here are considered "gift certificates" and can be used on any invoice for the customer that the credit was created for. To create a credit on a specific invoice (and to include sales tax) see the proposal Receivables tab section for details.

Credits are applied to customer invoices in the Receive Payment tab (Proposals - Receivables tab) after the invoice has been opened from the Receivables tab on your proposal. If a credit exists for a customer and you are in the Receive Payment tab of an invoice, you will see a link called [Apply Customer Credits] to the right of the Receipt Date: field.

To create a customer credit, click on the menu option or icon and the Create a New Customer Credit will open.

Image CustomerCreditsCreate.JPG

Field Description
Customer Enter the customer name that you are creating the credit for, as you type, customer matches in your customer database will appear in a selection box below this field, you can click on the entry in the list to select that customer
Amount Enter the amount of the credit, credit amounts cannot be negative
Proposal No (Optional) The proposal number is optional and has no affect on this credit, it can be applied to any invoice for this customer. This may be the proposal number that the credit was generated from.
Reference Enter a reference number that you devise. This reference number is a way for you to track the credit
Date The date that you are creating the credit
Notes Use this input field to enter any information you need to document this credit
Correction Code Correction codes are used to define the G/L account to log the credit transactions. The account entered here, typically a General Sales account, will be debited when the credit is created. When the credit is applied to an invoice, A/R will be debited. See creating Correction Codes below
Save & Close Click on the Save & Close button to save your credit.

After your credit has been created, you have to apply it to an invoice to issue the credit to a customer, see Receivables for details.

Image CustomerCreditsCorrectionCode.JPG

You can create Correction Codes from the Customer Credit create window by selecting -- Create/Edit Correction Codes option in the drop down selection box in the Credit Distribution section. The Create Correction Codes is also available under System Configuration - Company & System Settings - System Settings. The Customer Credits option is only available to users with access to Customer Credits via permissions settings (See System Configuration for details).

After clicking on the -- Create/Edit Correction Codes option, the Edit List: Customer Correction Codes window will open.

Image CustomerCreditsEditCorrectionCode.JPG

Click on the [add new code] to create a new Correction Code.

Image CustomerCreditsEditCorrectionCodeAdd.JPG

Field Description
Description Enter a description for this correction code, such as Customer Returns, or Returned - Damage to identify the credit reason.
Active? This check box is set to Active (checked) by default. To make a Correction code inactive, un-select the Active flag.
Correction Code Enter a code that describes the credit. This can be an alpha-numeric code. You cannot use the same code twice.
Income/Expense Account Select the account from your G/L that will be used for logging the credit transactions.
Save Click on the Save button to save your codes.

An example of a correction code is shown below.

Image CustomerCreditsEditCorrectionCodeAddExample.JPG

After your create Customer Correction codes, they can be edited from the Edit List: Customer Correction Codes window by simply clicking on the code you wish to edit.

4.2.1. Create Customer Credits
4.2. Customer Credits
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4.2. Customer Credits
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4.2.2. Search Customer Credits